Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Oliver Twist Read-Along

I am participating in the Oliver Twist Read-Along at A Literary Odyssey.

Having never read Dickens, other than A Tale of Two Cities in high school (which I'm not sure I really read if you know what I mean), I was somewhat nervous to take this story on.

I have to be honest and tell you that it did take a little while to get used to the style of writing but once I did? I was hooked!

I knew the basic premise of the story but did not expect to get drawn into the drama of what this poor little orphan boy went through, from the day he was born to the warehouse, to living on the streets with the thieves and beggars. I found myself rooting for Oliver and wanting to wring Mr. Bumble's neck at times. I found it interesting how casually the abuse of children is presented and realize that this may be due to the time period in which it is written.

Overall, I have to say that I am enjoying this story very much and can't wait to keep reading to find out more!

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